Friday, August 10, 2007


I'm home.

So now what?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Briefest of overviews

I won't say much about the last two days in London except...

Grossest hostel ever (me, Sarah, three hairy Italian men and one hairy New Yorker in a small room in the attic of what seemed like the world's most claustrophobia-inducing hostel (thankfully rescued the next day by our friend George).

Free galleries (Van Gogh, Rosetta Stone, Renoir, ginormous Syrian gates, mummies, the Parthenon).

Fantastic "fruitstock" festival in Regent's Park - healthy food, good music, duck herding, maypole dancing, dog-agility, etc (crazy Brits).

...and best of all...front row spaces at Architecture in Helsinki's relatively unpublicised record release party in Hoxton (for £5 - about $10). As one of our favorite bands, Sarah and I were completely freaking out, and I think we converted George too.

Leaving for home tomorrow. Love you all.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

...but Scotland even more so

Edinburgh, Scotland...where do I even start? This place is amazing.
After a relaxing and fairly uneventful three days in Belfast we took a bus to the small seaside Irish town of Westport for a night. There, we visited a pub owned by a member of the Irish folk music group The Chieftans (Matt Malloy's) and met an entertaining middle aged couple who bought us Guinnesses and chatted for a bit. The husband (Willy) wanted to talk politics, but whenever she thought he was getting too opinionated, the wife (Kathy) would tactfully steer the conversation into what a good time we were going to have in Edinburgh...or the weather. According to Willy, the British have been occupying North Ireland since Cromwell, and the last of them just left that day. I haven't fact-checked, but if that's true, it's pretty amazing.

After several long bus rides, we flew from Dublin to Edinburgh, where we are enjoying the beginnings of the Fringe Festival. The improv group from Cal Poly performs there every other year (this isn't their year), and we just saw another improv troup this afternoon. If Sarah can convince me we will go see Sweeny Todd (it's expensive, but I really do want to see it!). My internet time is running out here, but we're off to look at the Queen's Palace! Cheers!