Monday, July 23, 2007

TGFB (Thank God For Bathingsuit)

I'm sitting in the lobby of what is hands down the most disgusting establishment of my life. I'm quite literally gagging on the stench of acrid cigarette smoke that hazes the entire building like the place is being Terminex-ed. (edit: now someone just lit up a joint. Apparently that's legal here. I fully expect to see people snorting coke lines off the toilet seats when I go to the bathroom). I just couldn't bring myself to lay on the filthy mattress in the 10-person room where I was greeted with a dirty sock in my bed upon arrival. All I wanted to do was take a shower, but when I walked in the place was like a flashback of the YMCA women's locker room - without they saggy old lady breasts everywhere. Averting my eyes, I ducked into one of the curtained stalls and realized with horror that there was nothing separating me from the naked woman in the next stall except a thin sheet of completely clear glass. I stood there a moment, fully clothed, thinking can I do it? before panicking and running for my bathing suit. I hate this place. Denmark in general. Maybe it's the pouring rain (Sarah and I went to see "Transformers." Did you know movie seats are reserved seating here? Or that they don't let you in after the movie starts? This could never exist in the American culture of movie hopping, cell-phone chatting populace). Maybe it's the fact that I'm running on Nutella and very little to no sleep, but Denmark sucks.
Here are the few good memories I will take from this place:
1. Dancing to Junior Senior at a German beer hall in Odense.
2. Visiting Hans Christian Anderson's museum.
3. Reading Harry Potter on the train (Emily, I'm about 1/2 way through. We'll talk when I finish).
If you're reading, say hi!
Love, Haley


Anonymous said...

hi! I'm jealous that you're reading HP. I'm waiting til I get home and I can hardly stand it everytime I walk past a freakin book store.

Sarah says you kicked a drunk guy... but you didn't write about it. Personal account, please!

Haley said...

Well Megan, (btw, thanks for consistantly commenting. I get sad when I feel no one's reading this!) Sarah and I were using the internet at a 7-11 in Stockholm, which are really nice here, when a drunk bum came up to us and started speaking Swedish. This was unusual because there aren't a lot of bums here, but he was completely wasted and filthy and too close to us. Eventually he moved on to bother someone else, but then he came back over and was just all up in our faces. Sarah kept telling him to go away, but I didn't want to touch him and when he got too close I just said "go away" and kicked him in the stomach. He just stumbled away as if he had no idea what had happened (I'm sure he didn't), and Sarah started laughing and wrote about it in her email. That's about it, haha. Not too exciting. I've seen Sarah punch a couple creepers on this trip, so between her knuckles and my leg strength, I think we've got it covered.

Last night we met a Thai woman on the train with a baby named Superman. That was his name, I kid you not. Your Thai people are crazy :)